Discover the enchanting town of Kitulgala, nestled amidst the lush rainforests of western Sri Lanka. Despite experiencing two monsoons each year, Kitulgala remains vibrant and alive, particularly during the first three months of February, when the weather is drier.
Kitulgala holds a special place in cinema as the filming location for the renowned movie “The Bridge on the River Kwai,” which earned an Academy Award. Although the movie set has faded with time, the concrete foundations of the bridge stand as a nostalgic reminder of its cinematic glory.
But there’s more to Kitulgala than its cinematic history. It’s also a thrilling destination for white-water rafting, offering exhilarating adventures just a short distance upstream. Join us at VIVEGA TOURS as we embark on an unforgettable journey to Kitulgala, where lush rainforests, meandering rivers, and exciting rafting experiences await exploration.