Discover the enchanting town of Nuwara Eliya, affectionately known as the “city on the plain (table land)” or the “city of light” in Sri Lanka. Situated at an altitude of 1,868 m (6,128 ft) in the central highlands, Nuwara Eliya holds a special place as one of the country’s most significant locations for tea production.
Nestled amidst rolling hills, Nuwara Eliya boasts breathtaking landscapes and a cool climate that adds to its allure. Pidurutalagala, the highest mountain in Sri Lanka, dominates the town, casting a watchful gaze over the scenic surroundings.
Join us as we journey through the lush tea plantations, meandering streams, and the colonial-era architecture of Nuwara Eliya with VIVEGA TOURS. Experience the charm and tranquility of this enchanting town, where every moment promises an unforgettable adventure amidst the natural beauty of Sri Lanka’s central highlands.